Shock and Awe:The Iran propaganda edition (updated)
via Raw Story, read more here,
A national security expert revealed to The London Times that the Pentagon has "drawn up plans for massive airstrikes against 1,200 targets in Iran, designed to annihilate the Iranians’ military capability in three days." Speaking at a meeting organized by the conservative foreign policy journal The National Interest, Alexis Debat -- director of terrorism and national security at the Nixon Center -- said the U.S. military had concluded: "Whether you go for pinprick strikes or all-out military action, the reaction from the Iranians will be the same."
Israel, which has warned it will not allow Iran to acquire nuclear weapons, has made its own preparations for airstrikes and is said to be ready to attack if the Americans back down.
continue reading original article...
If the Israelis attack, it will be viewed by the Iranians as well as the one billion Muslims of the world as in overt attack by United States (by proxy) on a third Muslim country, which did not attack it.
The consequences will be catastrophic.
UPDATE from Newshoggers,
The Iran-War Product Rollout Begins Abroad
By Cernig
The Bush administration and their neocon enablers aren't waiting until Labor Day to begin their full-court press for war with Iran. They've already begun the roll-out in the UK press, from where internet pundits can import the propaganda back to the U.S.
It's a tactic which has been used successfully by the Bush administration in the past and even one they can legally use military and intelligence agancy expertise in psyops to facillitate. There's no law against using federal agencies to craft and then help plant stories in the foreign media, and the borderless nature of blogs and websites ensures that the messaging is catapulted here in America in turn.
Tomorrow, both of the neocon-friendly UK broadsheets have articles based entirely on messaging from neocon think-tanks.