Daily Reads, Iran, hegemony, nukes, global warming, and more
The British push for war with Iran along the border.
Scott Horton describes a possible imminent aerial bombing envisioned by two British academics.
Booman rights about US hegemony.
Republican congressmen Boehner thinks 3500+ US troops killed, and likely one million Iraqis killed "a small price to pay," for freedom, or to beat Al Qaeda, or democracy, or whatever the rationale of the week is.
The fracture of global warming will mimic nuclear war.
Two Soldiers critical of the war killed.
Ex-Submariner Richard Blair, who is familiar with nuclear weapons handling, thinks the Air Force LOST A NUKE.
Speaking of, Russia tests a mega bomb with force comparable to nuclear.
Here is a selection of quotes to help keep the hope.
Educate Yourself about the Constitution.