
Chomsky et al. on Iran (various items)

Noam Chomsky once again shows how utterly ridiculous and vastly hypocritical the administration's argument is vis-à-vis the threat of Iran,

The immediate fear is that by accident or design, Washington's war planners or their Israeli surrogate might decide to escalate their Cold War II into a hot one – in this case a real hot war.
David Peterson on Iran,
The Washington regime continues to lay out its case for war with Iran.
Booman Tribune reports on the reprehensible way in which the Iran war is being "marketed",
Actually (and as many of us know), the entire quote by Andy Card back in September 2002 was “From a marketing point of view, you don't introduce new products in August.” Well, it is September 1, and the time is just about here for another marketing initiative by the callous destructive forces that don’t really care about what the people of this country, or anyone else for that matter says about the absolutely insane idea to bomb or “take action” against Iran.
Global Research via CASMII examines Dear Leader's latest threats against Iran,

The implications of the IAEA-Iran "understandings" are profound: we are not dealing here with a "rogue state" or a member of the "axis of evil," but with a sovereign nation which correctly asserts its right to nuclear energy technology, in the framework of the IAEA and NPT.