
Worrying Rhetoric

Senator Clinton won't run out use of force to stop 'pro-terrorist' Iran . (Raw Story)

MJ Rosenberg explains why Iran is NOT a threat to Israel.

Netanyahu's statement was a reminder that Israel is far from helpless. It is a strong military power and, although he would not say this in so many words, reportedly has 200 atomic weapons of its own.
A nuclear attack on Israel by anyone would be suicidal and there are few, if any, governments in the world that would be willing to sacrifice millions of its own people to eliminate its enemies. (Those who argue that Iranians or Muslims in general - unlike Westerners - would happily see their cities destroyed and their children consumed in a nuclear jihad are talking nonsense. The Mullahs themselves are calculating and dangerous; they are not suicidal. And it is they, not President Ahmadinejad, who call the shots).

(huff post)