
dKos: DoD Wants to Test Nuclear Bunker Buster Bombs in NV -- Is The Next Step Iran? UPDATE!

UPDATE: Divine Strake bites the dust.

In the end, all it took was 10,000 voices in protest. That's 10,000 voices
from mostly red-state Utah where residents were opposed to detonation of 700
tons of ammonium nitrate and fuel oil in an attempt to gather data for the
design, manufacture and deployment of nuclear bunker buster weapons.



'Divine Strake' :

The DIVINE STRAKE full scale test is planned to be a large-yield, buried
burst detonated at the Nevada Test Site. Divine Strake would appear to be
associated with the Robust Nuclear Earth
Penetrator RNEP
, or possibly the B61-11
Earth-Penetrating Weapon
, a fact that is obscured in most press