
Chalmers Johnson

I should note that when Chalmers Johnson speaks about the end of the Republic, he doesn't mean that everyone's going to die. Rather, he suggests that because of our rampant militarism and the global actions we set forth on the world, we will sooner or later be attacked and this country will not know why -- this is what he refers to as blowback -- us being attacked and due to be actions of our government that were taken SECRETLY without anyone's knowledge.When we are attacked, people cannot put the attack in context and ask questions like "why do they hate us." This will lead to end of our constitutional republic. Both the Roman and British empires faced a choice between keeping their democracy at home or their empire abroad, a historically unstable combination. The British chose their democracy and gave up their empire, the Romans did the opposite. Which will be the way the US goes?

Chalmers Johnson essay on Empire v. Democracy

Chalmers Johnson interview with world public radio (GOOD ONE).

Chalmers Johnson short interview.

Chalmers Johnson long interview

Chalmers Johnson long interview with Charles Goyette

And here's another one I found with a little on the press, the Roman Republic, and war with Iran.