
how much is enough?

TRex writes,

Increasingly the attitude I get from friends in other countries and readers outside the US is, “If you guys hate George Bush so much, why aren’t you doing anything about him? He flouts your laws, he has ordered the invasion of a nation who never attacked you, he has subverted human rights and dignity around the globe. Why aren’t you rioting in the streets? Where is your famous American bravery now?”

I don’t have a good answer for that. I thought we were accomplishing something when we helped to elect a Democratic majority in 2006, but that pipe dream has evaporated in the last six months. The fact remains that while our military has gone to war, America has gone to the mall. We don’t express our dismay by way of civil disobedience because we don’t want to go to jail or lose our jobs. Does that make us cowards or just lazy? At this point, how much are we like the German citizens during World War Two who pretended that those “factories” at the edge of town were just making soap?