great analysis of the recent Washington Post hit piece on Cheney
Spook in the Machine writes about the recent four-part series on Dick Cheney in the Washington Post,
Putting all the above facts together, the message from these four ruthless hatchet pieces to the Co-President and his Shadow Administration is very, very clear.
Start a war with Iran without our permission, and we will put you either in jail or in economic and political purgatory. All of you. No exceptions. No mercy. This is proof we can do it. Don't fuck with us again. You have been warned.
(And before anyone accuses me of "Tin Foil Hat" tendencies here, remember the incontrovertible evidence that Co-President Cheney has a direct pipeline to the Israeli government and military through his Best Friend Forever Bibi Netanyahu. One disposable cell phone call to Bibi's drop number and a full blown war with both Syria and Iran will be underway within a week, possibly much faster. Those Israeli jets are fast and very effective. And American military officers won't shoot down Israeli aircraft even if they aren't flying authorized missions through Iraqi air space. And Iraq doesn't have an air force. And if Iran is attacked by Israel, do we really think they would say to the U.S., "Oh, we know you didn't do it, so we'll just take out our frustrations somewhere else." No, they would promptly retaliate. And nothing says "screw you" like sinking an aircraft carrier or two. Definitely gets people's attention. The rest, as they say, would come naturally. So don't doubt for one minute that Co-President Cheney doesn't have his finger on the nuclear trigger. It's just not our nuclear weapons; it's Israel's.)