
Wake-Up People! We're headed off a fuckin' cliff!

In Case anyone hasn't heard, the new IPCC report is devastating. Secretly leaked to a newspaper,reported by Reuters, and slated to come out in April it has the following predictions,

  • A 2° to 3° predicted temperature increase which will cause water shortages for between 1-3 billion people
  • food shortages will affect 200-300 million people
Because of drastic climate change and increasing sea levels, the San Francisco Bay area could likely face its own Katrina.

Even a relatively modest increase could spell trouble.

Raise sea level 18 inches, and salty ocean water would flow deep into the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, intruding into the drinking water supply for 23 million Californians.

"A foot and a half would be huge," said John Andrew, chief of special planning for the state Department of Water Resources.

A rise of just one foot would put tremendous pressure on the levees that protect the delta's fresh water supply. High tides that now come once a century would come once a decade; levees that are designed to withstand 100-year events could crumble and break.

A 2005 study estimated a two-in-three chance of catastrophic levee failures in the delta by 2050, partly because of added pressure on levees from a rising sea level.

The vicious cycle of Global Warming.

Also be prepared to say goodbye to 2,000 beautiful islands. We are at a point where what

... most climate scientists are saying, is to realize that the temperature rise won't even begin to level off in 50 years - after that two-degree rise - but accelerate, unless emissions are drastically cut now, well within the next 10 years.

If that doesn't scare you, nothing will. First Educate Yourself Here:

The climate Project.
Climate Progress.
Real Climate.

Then do the most important thing you can do about it.