
watch this interview

Think Progress.

In-your-face straight talk that you will seldom hear from any public figure, much less a politician.

We went in there for the control of oil. This was an oil war by George Bush. The Democrats bought into it in the Congress. And you think they’re going to give up this control of oil? I mean, the tragedy is, as national policy, we are fighting over the ownership of the Titanic. That’s really what’s going on. And so there’s no reason why we can’t get out.

People don’t know — when you’re at the gas tank next time filling up your car and you see anywhere from $2.50 to $3.50 per gallon, keep in mind that you’re spending another $4.00 per gallon indirectly by maintaining American troops in 140 countries to stabilize the price of oil.


Is a U.S.-Iran War Inevitable?


You wouldn't be wrong to wonder if Iran hasn't lost its mind seizing the 15 British marines and sailors, and in so doing, handing Bush a casus belli even he couldn't have imagined.

But then again you'd be missing the grim fatalism that has settled over Iran of late, the resigned belief that a war with the U.S. is all but inevitable. This week Iranian diplomats are telling interlocutors that, yes, they realize seizing the Brits could lead to a hot war. But, they point out, it wasn't Iran that started taking hostages — it was the U.S., when it arrested five members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps in Erbil in Northern Iraq on January 11. They are diplomats, the Iranians insist. They were in Erbil with the approval of the Kurds and therefore, they argue, are under the protection of the Vienna Convention.


Majority of Americans fear global warming as much as terrorism

The Sietch Blog.

A new Yale study shows that 63% of Americans agree that the United States “is in as much danger from environmental hazards, such as air pollution and global warming, as it is from terrorists.

Remember New Orleans?

Americablog does.


global warming accelerates

In an unexpected in development, scientists are observing that global warming may be accelerating. Basically, what is its take is the West shelf and Larson shelf of Antarctica melting -- in that scenario at least a 1 m increase of sea level rise would occur -- 100 million people live within 1 m of sea level, they would have to evacuate.

Wider mideast war...

BBC reports.

Fifteen British Navy personnel have been captured at gunpoint by Iranian forces, the Ministry of Defence says.

US fights to prevent Turkish invasion of N. Iraq (Kurds)

But Abdullah Gul, Turkey's foreign minister, MPs, military chiefs and diplomats say up to 3,800 PKK fighters are preparing for attacks in south-east Turkey — and Turkey is ready to hit back if the Americans fail to act. "We will do what we have to do, we will do what is necessary. Nothing is ruled out," Mr Gul said. "I have said to the Americans many times: suppose there is a terrorist organisation in Mexico attacking America. What would you do?... We are hopeful. We have high expectations. But we cannot just wait forever."

Turkish sources said "hot pursuit" special forces operations in Khaftanin and Qanimasi, northern Iraq, were already under way. Murat Karayilan, a PKK leader, said this week that a "mad war" was in prospect unless Ankara backed off.



French presidential candidate proposes boycotting 08' Olympics b/cof China's malicious involvement in Sudan

Foreign Policy passport has the details.

It currently buys two-thirds of Sudan's oil, and so has used its position on the U.N. Security Council to stymie attempts to put real pressure on the Sudanese government.

War on Gore goes on

An excellent essay outlining the pernicious impact the media has and continues to have on Al Gore.

Here is another article showing how the NYT does a hit piece on Gore, with the Times article having

"all the hallmarks of a vintage Gore hit piece: half-truths, outright falsehoods, unsubstantiated quotes, and a heaping dose of innuendo." The article also had all the hallmarks of a journalist approaching a topic with an already confirmed belief and then working backwards trying to prove that point by selectively quoting sources.

Realclimate scientists further point out the article's many 'half-truths, outright falsehoods, unsubstantiated quotes, etc.'



This issue is very sensitive, with most people feeling strongly one way or another. Unfortunately it is not a black-and-white issue in reality, the truth being much more complicated than the soundbite's often used to describe it.

Foreign-policy has a good post
worthy of the debate about the Chinese case of Terri Schiavo. most interesting to me was that George W. Bush signed a law in Texas that allowed hospitals to remove life support from patients after notifying their family. Spiro Nikolouzos, a baby born with fetal 'defects' in Texas, died in just this way, against his mother's wishes while the Terri Schiavo spectacle was unfolding in Washington and across the nation and world. Blatant Hypocrisy...you decide.

Is it humane to let someone died from starvation after taking off the life support? Is it equally humane to keep them alive, suffering in agonizing pain simply against there will? Tough questions without easy answers.

Watch Gore speak, It might be the most important thing you ever watch

What global disaster means to us in the NW

RealClimate has the gory details.


college life in Baghdad

Sudan, Africa

The Economist weighs in on Sudan.

Jacques Chirac threatens Sudan with sanctions

"I say solemnly: if the attacks continue, if agreements are not respected, the (United Nations) Security Council will have no other choice but to adopt sanctions. We are already working on it," he said in a message read out during a meeting organised by French group Urgence Darfur in Paris.

Just one day of news around Africa

no child left behind... or unharmed

Foreign Policy editors look at the very real problem of children in the Iraq and how absolutely fucked up they are becoming from the incredible trauma they are exposed to every day. while the effects of trauma are fairly well-documented in adults, children are often forgotten as this CNN article shows.

She was kidnapped outside her school in the Sunni neighborhood of Al Mansour. She says she was held for nine days in a windowless room with 20 other girls.

When one girl's family didn't pay for her release, the abductors raped and killed her. Zaman says she was beaten and forced to sleep next to the girl's dead body. Zaman's family says it paid $20,000 for her release.

The 16-year-old now suffers from deep depression. She screams and cries in the middle of the night. Her nightmares are so intense she's too afraid to sleep.

I wonder why they aren't greeting us as liberators anymore?


the significance of the supplemental

Robert Naiman explains why S759 is the most surefire way to prevent an extra congressional war with Iran.

Dems (what the *%$?) kill the provision to rule out war with Iran

Click here for the article from AP.

Officials said Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other members of the leadership had decided to strip from a major military spending bill a requirement for Bush to gain approval from Congress before moving against Iran. Conservative Democrats as well as lawmakers concerned about the possible impact Israel had argued for the change in strategy.


Read This -- panel of experts discusses why we have 'lost' in Iraq

You owe it to yourself to read this surprisingly blunt Rolling Stone article, which has come out and concluded we have already lost in Iraq, now we must prepare for what is to come in the future.


The Admin. wastes a chance for diplomacy towards Iran

Wall Street Journal. (HT Thinkprogress)

So they went, shook hands and chatted briefly. And that was the sum of the direct interaction between American and Iranian delegates at a long-awaited, day-long regional summit on Iraq today in Baghdad.



Arthur Silber on the truth we do not want to face.

Let me save many of you some time and trouble: you probably don't want to read this essay. I will be speaking of certain truths that very few of you are willing to face completely....


Wake-Up People! We're headed off a fuckin' cliff!

In Case anyone hasn't heard, the new IPCC report is devastating. Secretly leaked to a newspaper,reported by Reuters, and slated to come out in April it has the following predictions,

  • A 2° to 3° predicted temperature increase which will cause water shortages for between 1-3 billion people
  • food shortages will affect 200-300 million people
Because of drastic climate change and increasing sea levels, the San Francisco Bay area could likely face its own Katrina.

Even a relatively modest increase could spell trouble.

Raise sea level 18 inches, and salty ocean water would flow deep into the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, intruding into the drinking water supply for 23 million Californians.

"A foot and a half would be huge," said John Andrew, chief of special planning for the state Department of Water Resources.

A rise of just one foot would put tremendous pressure on the levees that protect the delta's fresh water supply. High tides that now come once a century would come once a decade; levees that are designed to withstand 100-year events could crumble and break.

A 2005 study estimated a two-in-three chance of catastrophic levee failures in the delta by 2050, partly because of added pressure on levees from a rising sea level.

The vicious cycle of Global Warming.

Also be prepared to say goodbye to 2,000 beautiful islands. We are at a point where what

... most climate scientists are saying, is to realize that the temperature rise won't even begin to level off in 50 years - after that two-degree rise - but accelerate, unless emissions are drastically cut now, well within the next 10 years.

If that doesn't scare you, nothing will. First Educate Yourself Here:

The climate Project.
Climate Progress.
Real Climate.

Then do the most important thing you can do about it.

Veterans Face Vast Inequities Over Disability


Veterans face serious inequities in compensation for disabilities depending on where they live and whether they were on active duty or were members of the National Guard or the Reserve, an analysis by The New York Times has found.

Watch and listen to Hersh

Inside Bush and Cheney’s World.

Informative FP post on Iran, Saudi Arabia, AIPAC, and Jordan's Abdullah

Foregin Policy.

The Four Unspeakable Truths

What politicians won't admit about Iraq.

Game over on global warming?

LA Times:

Everybody in the United States could switch from cars to bicycles. The Chinese
could close all their factories.Europe could give up electricity and return to
the age of the lantern.
But all those steps together would not come close to stopping global

What Al Gore Hasn't Told You About Global Warming.




Why do you hate America?

When noted antiwar dissident Noam Chomsky was asked, "why do you hate America"?, this was his response:

I realize that the question is not intended seriously. However, there is a serious point lurking behind it. A crucial totalitarian principle is that the state is identified with the people, the culture, the society. For those who adopt that principle, criticism of the state is hatred of the country. In the old Soviet Union, for example, dissidents were condemned as “anti-Soviet” or “haters of Russia,” because they condemned policies of the Holy State. We, however, rightly regarded them as the people most dedicated to the welfare of the Russian people. The concept has biblical origins. King Ahab, the epitome of evil in the Bible, condemned the Prophet Elijah as a hater of Israel because he denounced the crimes of the evil king, who, like all totalitarians, identified state powerhimselfwith the society and people. Where there is a democratic culture, such a notion would be ridiculed. In Italy, for example, if someone were to publish a book called “the Anti-Italians,” denouncing people who dare to criticize government policy, people would collapse with ridicule. It is rather striking that in the US, such a book (of course full of outlandish lies) is reviewed seriously and treated with respect. The US is alone, to my knowledge, outside of totalitarian states, in that concepts like “hate America” or “anti-American” are adopted in the style of King Ahab and his totalitarian successors. That should trouble us.

The Beast


the state of Africa

Chad turning into the next Sudan?

Sudan conflict heating up again
. What is the solution?Alex de Waal writes

Security cannot be imposed with 20,000 troops, or even 100,000 troops, in the absence of a peace agreement. An effective peacekeeping operation will be nine parts community liaison and political intelligence to one part force. This requires a long-term vision of how peacekeepers will work with tribal chiefs and the men who run village self-defense groups to bring security, peace and reconciliation to the region. But what's needed first is a political deal.

fascinating New York Times article on religion

Darwin's God.

Is Any One Out There Paying Attention to the Madness?!?

I've been hesitant to post about such a heavy topic for fear of being too alarmist...but the time for inaction has long past. There are those who would consider these posts too much, overwhelming and proposing unlikely events. I hope, I sincerely deeply pray that they are incorrect, and I hope I am wrong in the worst possible way about all of these issues. But if I'm not, if even 10% of what seems to be developing turns out to be true then I think it's one's duty to speak up. Ignoring the problem will not make it go away. As Dr. King jr. said, "silence is betryal."

These people are going to detonate a nuclear device inside the United States ... and we're going to have no one to blame but ourselves." -- Michael Scheuer, former head of the C.I.A.'s bin Laden unit, to MSNBC's Keith Olbermann, February 19, 2007

Paul Slansky shows why the alarm bells are ringing like the summer of 2001 and asks where the hell everyone's outrage is.

Remember how you watched Richard Clarke testifying before Congress in 2004 and wished his warnings had been taken seriously in 2001?

Once you have digested that little bundle of joy, try to tackle this, seemingly pulled out of 1984 , describing a prelude for a police state.

Bush is now free to declare martial law in response to a natural disaster, a pandemic or a terrorist attack. The congress is powerless to stop him.

Also, Bush recently signed the Military Commissions Act of 2006, which allows the president to arbitrarily declare citizens and non citizens “enemy combatants” and imprison them indefinitely without charge. The new law gives Bush the authority to disregard the Geneva Conventions and the 8th amendment’s ban on “cruel and unusual” punishment and apply “harsh interrogation” which may include torture. The act effectively repeals habeas corpus, the cornerstone of American jurisprudence and the Bill of Rights.

The Military Commissions Act cannot coexist with the US Constitution; the two are mutually exclusive.

I should add that tucked into the abomination known as Military Commissions Act is a provision that pardons Bush and anyone in his administration of war crimes under the Geneva Convention, crimes which he is likely guilty of.

Don't think it could happend here? Maybe, maybe not, but this fellow seems to think it could.

Gen. Tommy Franks says that if the United States is hit with a weapon of mass destruction that inflicts large casualties, the Constitution will likely be discarded in favor of a military form of government.

Is this that far-fetched? There were untold abuses during WWII and Bush considers his perpetual "War on Terra" WWIII.

The NYT documents how he has already implented the legal justification for such changes, as I noted in my previous post.

A disturbing recent phenomenon in Washington is that laws that strike to the heart of American democracy have been passed in the dead of night. So it was with a provision quietly tucked into the enormous defense budget bill at the Bush administration’s behest that makes it easier for a president to override local control of law enforcement and declare martial law
Larry Beinhart explains what this silly little habeas corpus thing is all about anyway.

Arthur Silber explains what has already been lost right under our very own noses.

Now, I know that conservatives get upset when libertarians bring up Adolf Hitler in the context of the post-9/11 U.S. government assaults on civil liberties (Have you ever noticed that they never get upset when U.S. officials compare recalcitrant foreign rulers to Hitler?), but as I pointed out in my article "A Democratic Dictatorship," when the U.S. government is doing something that Hitler did, while that doesn’t automatically make it bad, it at least should raise some red flags.

As I pointed out in my article "How Hitler Became a Dictator," after the terrorist strike on the Reichstag, which enabled Hitler to secure the Enabling Act that temporarily suspended civil liberties in Germany, a German judge, while convicting one of the defendants, acquitted others, much to Hitler’s chagrin and disapproval. After all, they were obviously "terrorists." How dare that German judge find them not guilty?

So, Hitler decided to implement a new "independent" judicial system within Germany to try terrorists and traitors. Known as the "People’s Court," it became nothing more than a judicial lapdog to carry out prosecutions, convictions, and punishments in accordance with Hitler’s will. In fact, it was the infamous People’s Court that convicted German college students Hans and Sophie Scholl and their friends in the White Rose organization and quickly tried and executed them (3 days after their arrest) for treason for distributing antiwar and anti-government pamphlets.

The military tribunals that Bush and the Congress are setting up will supposedly be used only on foreigners, not on Americans accused of terrorism. The reason for that differentiation in treatment is political — the feds know that Americans are less likely to object to this new judicial system if Americans think that will be applied only to "other people," not to them.

How can such a system be reconciled with the legal principle of equal application of the law and the political principle of the rule of law? Answer: It cannot be.

Now back to the other elephant in the room, Iran. For anyone who is still uncertain that there is the possibility of a "preventive" strike on Iran, read the majority of posts I have put up, starting from the very first one.

Silber then asks what you have done to prevent the next war.

He gives advice on what you can do.


Pentagon whistle blower speaks

Via Truthdig.

Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski (ret.), a veteran of the Pentagon with firsthand experience of the administration’s cherry-picking of intelligence, reveals why Bush thinks he can win a war with Iran, why few politicians are serious about withdrawal and why “when they call Iraq a success, they mean it.”


Tristero explains why Iraq could likely end up like Rawanda

"It Could Potentially Be Like Rwanda."Why we can't pull out and we can't stay. MUST READ

Reid, Webb push bill backing limits on presidential power to attack Iran

Reuters. (Ht thinkprogress)